Agricultural | Ranching | Recreation
Agricultural | Ranching
Farm & Ranching Purchase, Sale, and Leases
Easement and Access Dispute
Outdoor Recreation
Nathan L. Andersohn, Esq. has been heavily involved in fishing and archery his entire life. He has bowhunted on four continents and represents several national 501(c)(3) nonprofit hunting organizations, outfitters, dude ranches, guides, taxidermists, and hunting clothing and equipment manufacturers and retailers. Businesses in the hunting and fishing industry have very specific issues that only a lawyer with a personal knowledge of the outdoor world can address.
Jointly Owned Properties
Several generations of family members or six college friends may want to share the benefits and responsibilities of owning a ranch, fishing cabin, or ski condo.
There are several ownership options depending on the needs of the group. Often times, it is best to own real estate in a limited liability company.
However, it may be advisable for the parties to enter into a co-ownership agreement. The agreement may be very extensive, covering most of the issues set forth above under Hunting Clubs. Co-ownership agreements streamline a lot of ownership and income tax issues. Co-ownership agreements can work extremely well for ski condos and mountain cabins.
Ownership Issues
Owners must consider how the property will affect their estate planning and review potential liability issues.
As with any rural property, legal advice may be needed on oil & gas leases, wind rights, gravel & mineral rights, pipeline easements, farming, grazing, and hunting leases.