Oil and Gas


Oil and Gas

These are interesting times in the oil business. The discovery of the Niobrara Formation has resulted in millions of dollars in lease payments to land owners in Weld County.

Nathan L. Andersohn, Esq. worked as a landman in the early 1980s and is knowledgeable in the industry. His primary focus is representing land owners in negotiations with oil companies for oil and gas leases, pipeline easements, and surface use agreements.

It is rare that a landowner would be advised to accept the first offer for an oil and gas lease. When a farmer or rancher signs an oil and gas lease, they may well be giving up rights to surface use of their land in perpetuity. An owner needs a well-crafted lease that protects farming and ranching activities, residential homes, and other conflicting uses that could be impacted by oil and gas exploration and production.

The best time to address these issues is in the initial lease and not in the courts after conflicts arise. The same can be said about pipeline easements and surface use agreements.

Oil companies can be excellent financial partners. However, it is wise to seek legal advice before entering into the long term relationship that will occur if oil and gas production occurs on your property.